Environmental and Cultural Heritage Chemistry Research Group 


The experimental activity is focused on the micopollutants bioaccumulation, such as heavy metals and PAH (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons), in land gastropoda and in sea molluscs.

- Land gastropoda are useful as biondicators of air and surface land contamination. They can provide information about the interaction ways of the pollutants with the biota living on the surface land.


- In the assessment studies of the surface land contamination the land snails are settled in cages built directly in situ :

In the assessment studies of the air contamination the land snails are settled in cages that avoid the soil contact:

The contamination is evaluated analysing separately the metals and PAH content of the hepatopancreas, the foot and the rest of the body. The animal health is evaluated by biometric measurements (dimensions and weight) and observing possible variations of the radula and olfactory tissue morphology (histological section).

- The most used organisms for biomonitoring assessment in marine environment are sessile filtering molluscs. They are able to intake pollutants present in water or in the particulate they eat and activate an adaptive response to the chemical stress which can be estimated to assess environmental monitoring. In particular our studies are focused on mussels.


The cages with breeding mussels are settled in the marine environment for some months. The contamination is evaluated analysing separately the PAH content of the hepatopancreas, the gills and the rest of the body. The animal health is evaluated by biometric measurements (dimensions, weight and lipid content).